Friday 29 March 2019

TGR Episode 5 - The Best Little Gaming Podcast In Texas

Yep.  That guy is probably from Texas.

It's been a whirlwind of a week here in the Twisted Gamer household.  I sold a car I've had for 10 years, I finally got all the money needed to make beer, and I'm ramping up for a big cookout for Memorial Day.  On today's show, we get back into the heat of things and talk about digital prices being the same on launch day as a retail copy of the game, EA's got a scheme not unlike something we've seen before (*cough* Call of Duty Elite), and we touch briefly on E3 2012 coming up in a few weeks.

On today's Twisted Gamer Radio:

- Why Do They Charge The Same (Retail vs. Digital)?
- EA Closing Official Battlefield 3 Servers
- No Valve Announcements At E3 2012
- Rumor: Xbox 720 Already In Manufacturing
- Fucked Up News: Man Trades Video Game Cheats For Child Porn
- Sound Clip Corner: Crazy Woman Rants About Gays and When Slappin' A Bitch Goes Wrong

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