| Add the people you know to see their photos and updates. Nida Farooqi FUCKING ASSHOLE Add Friend Syeda Anam Abbas Freelance Model/Actor at Model (people) Add Friend Inno Cent Shah Karachi, Pakistan Add Friend Bärbîë Døłł Staff at Beautician Add Friend Dééwäŋį DülHẳŋ Works at HeY do'nT asK mE..?.. WhaT DiD I d0..? BcZ aM telLinG U nA.. Iam noT yeT WorKinG..!! Iam stilL StuDyinG iN Pre_EnGineerinG{1sT yeaR}..NoW U knEw abT mE.. So noW U TruN foR CloSinG to mY proFile..(*_*)..0k Na..? Add Friend Ansa Choudary Works at Prime Minister of Pakistan Add Friend Maya Ali Works at SiNginG Is mY pAssion ND Attitude iN my blood MinD It studying Add Friend Chanda Khan Add Friend Alizey SHaikh Designer at Needle Impressions Add Friend Anavia Rajpoutani Iqra University Add Friend | | | | | | Add the people you know to see their photos and updates. | | | | | | | | | | | | | |  | Dééwäŋį DülHẳŋ|
Works at HeY do'nT asK mE..?.. WhaT DiD I d0..? BcZ aM telLinG U nA.. Iam noT yeT WorKinG..!! Iam stilL StuDyinG iN Pre_EnGineerinG{1sT yeaR}..NoW U knEw abT mE.. So noW U TruN foR CloSinG to mY proFile..(*_*)..0k Na..? | |
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| | | | | |  | Maya Ali|
Works at SiNginG Is mY pAssion ND Attitude iN my blood MinD It studying | |
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