Monday 30 March 2020

N95 Protection Mask Filter

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N95 Protection Mask Filter fine particles with the most stylish clean breathing mask N95 available


The most eye-catching anti-pollution breathing mask on the market

Virtually 100% effective against PM2.5 & PM0.3 pollution particles

Uses a triple-layered filtration system to ensure you breath clean air

Great Design

A lot of people are out off of wearing a clean breathing mask, especially when they see a lot of bulky or plain designs. With so much technology going into the benefits, too many companies scrimp on the design.

This is why OxyBreath Pro is such a popular product. You’ll find lots of people take to social media to show theirs off and when you leave the house wearing one, you’ll notice others wear theirs with pride too. The 3D cutting to ensure it is a good fit, as well as the curved lines and slick black design, makes this the best products in its niche when it comes to looks.

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Saturday 28 March 2020

In Defense Of Metal Gear For The NES

It's an old story, the MSX version of MG was fantastic but then apparently hopelessly ported to the NES in a short space of time and outside of the control and oversight of Kojima....

But you know what... I have played the MSX version, I've played through it, I've tried to complete it, but imho, for all the supposed inadequacies of the NES version, I actually prefer it.

I prefer the fact that you have to infiltrate the base at the beginning, that is fantastic! People love MGS3 for that reason and I think it is a great touch. In the MSX version.... meh.... you start out in the base already.... not very sneaky.

And as to the fact you don't fight Metal Gear? SO WHAT? Why should you? I actually thought it stupid in MGS that you actually fought Metal Gear, it is meant to be a mobile device that fires nukes.... not something designed for combat with a single man. It stands to reason that it makes more sense to destroy the computer that controls the thing and also the man who is operating it.... which is exactly what you do in MG Nes.... Imagine someone having a fight against an ICBM machine, that would be dumb, it wouldn't be an opponent... it would not be geared up to fight you, and you would be able to take it out easily.... so that's why it doesn't matter that you don't fight Metal Gear.

And above all.....

The MUSIC in the NES version is absolutely superior! The MSX music is painful, dull and something to mute as soon as you can. The NES music is fantastic! It is exciting, it is tense, it is an amazing score and whoever produced it should be proud of themselves.

I could write more on this, but I need to prepare to offer Holy Mass, which isn't in 5 mins, but in 30 mins by the way. Priests should prepare for Holy Mass properly.

N95 Protection Mask Filter

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N95 Protection Mask Filter fine particles with the most stylish clean breathing mask N95 available


The most eye-catching anti-pollution breathing mask on the market

Virtually 100% effective against PM2.5 & PM0.3 pollution particles

Uses a triple-layered filtration system to ensure you breath clean air

Great Design

A lot of people are out off of wearing a clean breathing mask, especially when they see a lot of bulky or plain designs. With so much technology going into the benefits, too many companies scrimp on the design.

This is why OxyBreath Pro is such a popular product. You’ll find lots of people take to social media to show theirs off and when you leave the house wearing one, you’ll notice others wear theirs with pride too. The 3D cutting to ensure it is a good fit, as well as the curved lines and slick black design, makes this the best products in its niche when it comes to looks.

Final Fantasy 6 Review

From Guest blogger Helen Davis

Final Fantasy 6, or known as 3 in North America, is one of the greatest RPGs of all time. It  certainly ranks high on the nostalgia factor, and many iconic moments in Final Fantasy history are portrayed in this game. An unforgettable cast of characters, top-notch graphics for the time, a stunning soundtrack and an intriguing storyline keep the player hooked till the very end.  How does it hold up from a Christian perspective?

Very well, actually.  Though there are some moments that are questionable, mainly that one of the final bosses is based on the Virgin Mary, the plot throughout the game more than makes up for it.  Unlike FF9, which views souls as recyclable and life as meaningless, FF6 seems to incorporate more of the biblical worldview, or at least, not anti-biblical. Many of the characters face losses but deal with them in ways that are more consistent with Scripture—Locke feels remorse over the death of his first love, Rachel, believing he couldn't protect her.   He resolves his guilt at the end and decides to move onto his new love. Cyan loses his wife and child and is nearly destroyed, but receives his courage back, believing he must move on and leave the past in the past.  He later becomes a powerful asset to the party, although the Dreamscape sequence in the World of Ruin with Cyan is somewhat creepy. Celes tries to commit suicide after the loss of her only family member, but regains her courage and gathers the party back together.  Though the reason why she should not commit suicide is not addressed, the fact that she is able to recover, move on, and reunite the party shows why we should not. 

The star of the show, though, I feel is Terra. Terra is, in many ways, quite similar to Christ. First of all, her Japanese name, Tina, is actually a shortening of Christina, a feminine form of Christ's name. She is also half human and half esper, and bridges the gap between them, much like Jesus bridges the gap between God and man.  Terra also desires to learn what love is, and finds it not in a carnal way, but in protecting the children in Mobliz. Terra is also unjustly accused and persecuted during the course of the game. At the end, Terra even offers to sacrifice herelf for the party, but remains on earth as a human, in a somewhat interesting parallel to Christ's resurrection. 

Those who begrudge Final Fantasy females such as Aeris and Rinoa should look to Terra and Celes. Both women are strong female protagonists that overcome personal and exterior difficulties to emerge as leaders, Terra in the first half and Celes in the second.  Both are amazing women that complement each other and even form a friendship.

Kefka is also an interesting counterpart to Satan. Saying he wants to destroy all and create a monument to nonexistence is exactly what Satan wishes to do—in Jesus's words 'the thief comes but to steal, kill and destroy.' What words better sum up Kefka Palazzo?  The first scene of him shows him 'destroying' Terra's innocence and ordering her to 'kill kill kill!' The second scene has Kefka 'stealing' General Leo's authority over the Doman mission, killing many with poision, and 'destroying' Cyan's life. His horrors do not end here, as in the interlude on the Floating Continent, Kefka commands the warring triad to strike down Emperor Gestahl so Kefka can rule- an allegory to Satan trying to usurp God. Kefka is later known as destruction and seems to be completely evil with no redeeming qualities, unlike villians such as Golbez or Sephiroth, who at least showed remorse or motive.

The end of the game shows the cast finding joy in spite of the fact the world is nearly dead. Terra has found love. Locke and Celes have found each other. Cyan carries his family inside of him. Gau has his friends. Sabin and Edgar have each other. Setzer has his dream After threatening to destroy  all their dreams and hopes, Terra counters that life continues and that it's not the end result of life that matters, but the day to day joys of life and love. 

Is FF6 perfect? No. But in comparison to the poison of FF7's recyclable souls and FF9's 'our memories live on', it's a breath of fresh air. Highly recommended.

Episode 18: Threes Company Is Live!

Episode 18: Threes Company is live!

We talk with John Siewenie of Picoarmor about small scale gaming.

The Veteran Wargamer is brought to you by King's Hobbies and Games.

Special Artizan Service Miniatures

Picoarmor links:

Twitter @socialpicoarmor

Other companies we mentioned:
Oddzial Osmy

Blitzkrieg Commander
Cold War Commander
Future War Commander


Soviet Army FMs

Central Front

Panzer Korps

Advanced Squad Leader

Panzer Blitz



Winter War


I Ain't Been Shot, Mum

Team Yankee (Battlefront)

Baccus 6mm

Games Plus



Team Yankee (Audible)

Red Storm Rising (Audible)

Music courtesy Recorded with Edited with Audacity. Make your town beautiful; get a haircut.

Friday 27 March 2020

N95 Protection Mask Filter

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N95 Protection Mask Filter fine particles with the most stylish clean breathing mask N95 available


The most eye-catching anti-pollution breathing mask on the market

Virtually 100% effective against PM2.5 & PM0.3 pollution particles

Uses a triple-layered filtration system to ensure you breath clean air

Great Design

A lot of people are out off of wearing a clean breathing mask, especially when they see a lot of bulky or plain designs. With so much technology going into the benefits, too many companies scrimp on the design.

This is why OxyBreath Pro is such a popular product. You’ll find lots of people take to social media to show theirs off and when you leave the house wearing one, you’ll notice others wear theirs with pride too. The 3D cutting to ensure it is a good fit, as well as the curved lines and slick black design, makes this the best products in its niche when it comes to looks.

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